Harmony: Is it Heaven?

September 5, 2010

Harmony. Such a simple word but not such a simple concept.  If I could live in any state, it would be the state of harmony, and If I were given three wishes by my personal genie I would only use one, and I would wish for harmony. Why? Because, at least to me, harmony is the state of awareness in which all other states work together seamlessly to produce the most pleasing tapestry of life. The harmonious state cannot be achieved by struggle or hard work, or any other manner, in fact, it cannot be "achieved" at all. Harmony IS. When the  observer-self and the observed unite, harmony is the state of awareness and the state of being.

If harmony "is", then how do we "create" harmony?  The truth is we don't actually create harmony but perhaps we use the raw energy of harmony to create our own version. More often though, due to lack of awareness, we create situations that diminish our ability to experience true harmony.  However, harmony as a state of awareness is a means of aligning self with harmony as a state of being; therefore it is not necessary to first experience the state of being as for most other states. For instance, one can have cancer, a state of being with disease , but be totally unaware of this state. Cancer is created and, in general, one cannot be aware of this created state of being before it is created. One, however, can be aware of the potential or probability of certain states due to certain factors. (This has very interesting implications which will be considered in another blog post.)

I think of it like this: some days I feel wonderful, like I am in love but not with anyone, more like everyone. It is not focused it just IS and everything is right and good and effortless; I am in FLOW.  If I stop to think about it, nothing in my life has changed, that I am aware of,  since yesterday when I did not feel this way. I think this state  occurs when one  nears alignment with the observer-self and thus through the observer experiences true harmony, which manifests emotionally as bliss. Some consider the observer-self to be their soul or spirit or other form of mentor, even God.  Whatever the case most people aware of an observer-self often identify with it as self on some level. Perhaps the observer-self is the self in its original and natural, pure state of awareness and state of being, harmony.  From this, it seems plausible that the self's natural (learned?) state of awareness is attuned to lack of alignment with harmony, rather than the natural state of harmony in which the observer self exists. And, ultimately, this disparity between self and observer-self  is the emptiness we feel and the void we seek to fill.

One thing is clear: the observer-self is non-judgmental. It is not coercive or punishing, and is not akin to what we know as "our conscience".  (to be continued.....)

Please send any questions or comments to rustyksoul@gmail.com

I am Particle and Wave

September 4, 2010

Most of us are taught, from birth, that we are individuals. That is, each of us has our own body which houses our own brain that directs the living of our own lives. The human brain is touted as the crown jewel of humanity because it endows us with the capacity to think our own abstract and complex thoughts that are necessary for learning about, and responding to, our environment and thus improving our survival under most conditions.

But are we each compact and independent sources of thoughts ...
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