Welcome to PivotalSoul


First Change Yourself and Be the Change

Our purpose at PivotalSoul is to share ideas and resources everyone can use on a personal level, and on a unified level, to care for our world and ourselves in harmony.

We are at a pivotal point on a global scale with faltering economies, a decaying democracy,  unprecedented  government corruption and corporate greed, and world-wide environmental concerns and catastrophes.

These events are not apart from any of us. Although we see them outside ourselves, we have all contributed to them in some way.  Now, we must come together as individuals into one pivotal soul, one harmonizing energy source, to create our world anew. How do we do this? We start by changing ourselves, being the best we can be, living what we truly believe, being kind, generous, patient, understanding, and by realizing that we are a part of (not apart from) a power much greater than any of us alone. Be pivotal; you have the  power to be the change.

Please send any questions or comments to rustyksoul@gmail.com